Tuesday 12 January 2010

First Blog :D

So..... Urmm. I have no idea how to start this. I would start with the usual "Hi, my name is Alice, I am..." Whatever. But I thought I'd do something different. But, I can't think of different.
Good Start.
Anyway please don't be put off by my lack of ideas on this particular post.

I think I'll tell you a bit about the reasons behind this blog:
  • Well, I got bored after school and, whilst listening to Paramore (take note of this; when I'm famous you'll be able to tell people what Alice's favourite band is..), I decided to make this... this... Bloggery. There that's a good word I'll keep that one.
  • Urmm.. I will often babble on about stuff that's happened on the day of writing. I may babble about Harry Potter quite alot, too..(yes I am one of those really pretty, yet boffin'y HP fans)

Mkay, I think I'm done.

No! Wait! I have thought of something else!! Right I do several other things in my life. One of these things is Writing. Mainly fanfiction and so far I haven't got round to posting much... Yeah, but anyway. If your interested in that sort of stuff you can find me here on FanFiction.net.

http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2145005/ <>


-edit- Spelling correction.

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