Wednesday 13 January 2010


No school today!!
Lucky I suppose because I would have a German exam.
Today has been pretty boring though, but now Jess has got home so I can go on Hex with her*. So now am happy! :D
Okay, so I was texting Emily earlier and she told me some strange news; a girl in our year is engaged! Now we're in 3rd year so that's quite wierd, especially as she's engaged to a sixth-former. Her name is Alana Smith, and yes, I dislike her. She's one of those so-called "Populars." She's horrible and plastic. So, yeah, you can imagine the type. Her ring is lovely, but she is being stupid. I doubt very much that this "engagment" will last.
What else....
Oh, being blonde, i have realised that the actress Anne Hathaway has the same name as William Shakespeare's wife! Everyone I've told was like, "Oh. I knew that ages ago.."
And I think that's about it. Boring day altogether.

*Hex is Hogwarts Extreme, an RPing site. I love it. Check it out if you want. Here's the link:

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